Setting up Primavera Integration

Primavera integration with Estimate is supported with Primavera v6.x, P6 v7, and P6 v8 - P6 v15.1. When installing and configuring Primavera, it is necessary that all Primavera applications installed on your environment are the same version. This includes the database server, client application, and Integration API.

Primavera integration with Estimate requires that you have an existing implementation of Primavera v6.x or P6 in your network environment. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • A Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database for Primavera (Primavera Database Server).

  • A named user license for the Primavera Integration API. (Contact Primavera to obtain this license).

Prior to installing the Estimate Primavera Integration Server, you will be required to install additional applications and define configuration settings to complete the integration with Estimate.

Server Configuration and Setup

While all server components can be installed on the same physical server, they can also be installed on separate servers. There can be three different servers when setting up the Primavera integration with Estimate:

  • Primavera Database Server – This server runs the Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle database service and holds the Primavera Project Management (PM) database.

  • Estimate Primavera Integration Server – This server contains the Java Developer’s Kit (JDK), the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), Primavera Integration API, InEight Estimate Primavera Integration Server service, Java .NET Bridge components, and the JNBridge license file.

  • Estimate Server – This server contains the Microsoft SQL Server database instance for Estimate (HDBID), and as a result, the Microsoft SQL Server HDBID service and the InEight Estimate Server service.

The screenshot below shows how the Primavera Integration with Estimate would look if the deployment method chosen were to occur on three separate servers.